+64 27 452 7535 [email protected]

Naboro Landfill

Naboro Landfill – Landfill Cell Construction

Leach tendered for and won an international tender for the Naboro Landfill Operations and Management Contract which started in July 2005 for a 5-year term with the first delivery of waste made on 1st October 2005. Naboro was a brand-new landfill and Leach was required to commission the site, establish all the operational and management procedures and implement a full range of services for the public to dispose of waste. Leach was recently awarded an extension for the contract.  Since opening the landfill, Leach has undertaken all the ongoing construction works on site.

HG Leach (Fiji) Pte Ltd has specific experience with the Naboro landfill having designed and built the leachate treatment system on site, including the wetlands; Leach has designed and built various stages of the Naboro Landfill including Stage 1 and 2 and most recently Stage 2, Cells 1 & 2 of the landfill. Stage 2, Cell 3 is currently under construction.  Leach has been the sole operator of Naboro since opening in 2005. Leach is the most experienced contractor building landfills in Fiji and we have a proven track record in delivering quality work, on time and budget for the Department of Environment, Government of Fiji.  Leach has specialist landfill design and construction capabilities using own resources and that of partners and we can assure delivery of quality outcomes on time and to budget.

The Naboro landfill construction works comprised the design and construction of Stage 1 Phase 1(b) i and Phase 1(b)ii and Phase 2 and Stage 2 Cell 1, Stage 2 Cell 2, Stage 2 Cell 3; comprising the following:


Phased development of the Site (including formation) to form a waste disposal site – to date, Leach have constructed is ~800,000 m3 of new landfill airspace at Naboro.

  • Landfill liner using compacted clay liners, HDPE and GCL geosynthetic liners.
  • In-situ Concrete Box Culvert Extension
  • Leachate collection & drainage aggregates
  • Surface & stormwater water management
  • Interface with the previous construction works
  • Preparation of a construction staging plan
  • Preparation of a borrow management plan
  • Design including, but not limited to, earthworks, landfill liner, leachate management systems and surface water management systems
  • Preparation of an Environmental Management Plan
  • Site-Specific Health & Safety Plan