Southern Landfill (Wellington)
Leach & Co Ltd undertakes the Southern Landfill operations and management under contract for Wellington City Council. The contract includes a Refuse Transfer Station for the public to drop off waste and commercial deliveries are directed to the landfill for disposal.
The landfill receives some 70,000 tonnes of refuse per annum plus 15,000 tonnes of dewatered sewage sludge per annum (circa 85,000 TPA).
Wellington City operates the entry kiosk and collects all gate fees and directs the customer to the RTS
and landfill for waste disposal. Leach & Co’s Southern Landfill Operations is independently accredited to ISO 14001: 2015 Environmental Management System.
The operations on site include and are not limited to the following:
- Designated Operational Areas and site boundaries
- Provision of a Landfill Manager along with staffing, supervision and qualified staff
- Staff uniforms, staff training
- Provide and maintain plant fit for purpose
- Provide and maintain signage
- Landfill Monitoring & Security
- RMA Compliance, environmental management plus H&S management and controls
- Disposal operations including tipping locations, tip face, tipping platforms, daily cover, an intermediate cover including the method of tip management.
- Special and hazardous waste disposal including screenings and sludge from wastewater treatment plants including withholding wastes where appropriate.
- Dust control
- Rodent control
- Fire risk management
- Drainage and stormwater control
- Litter control and spillages
- Management and maintenance of site roads especially on landfill roads.
- Close liaison and communications with the public, customers, stakeholders and the Client and his representative.